How to Fix It

Natural Hair Dyes Turned My Hair yellow

Natural Hair Dyes Turned My Hair Yellow

Here's How to Fix It

If you notice your hair turning a bit yellow after using natural herbal hair dyes, it's likely because the deep blue color from indigo didn't fully develop, and the orange henna might not be as vibrant. This yellowish tone can be more noticeable, especially if your hair is completely gray.

Could you wait a few days?

Give it some time for the color to develop fully. Henna oxidizes over 2-7 days, getting darker and richer. Indigo dye begins as green or blue-green and transforms into a deep blue gradually. It takes about 48 to 72 hours for indigo blue to fully develop. If your hair appears yellow right after dyeing, just be patient.

Henna + Indigo

Reasons for yellow hair

If the yellow tint persists even after waiting for a few days, it may be because incomplete indigo color turns purple instead of blue. Additionally, the henna might take on a light orange hue. When these two central colors of natural dyes mix in this manner, it gives the appearance of yellow.

Yellow hair just after dyeing

To ensure that indigo develops its color properly, avoid using a hair dryer immediately after washing it off. The natural pigment needs time to develop, and drying it too quickly can hinder the indigo color development. It's crucial to keep your hair damp and exposed to the air. If you experience slow color development, consider wrapping your damp hair in a towel to enhance the process.

Still yellow after a few days

If you have high-porosity hair, using a strong shampoo right after dyeing with natural dyes can strip away the penetrated natural pigments more easily. Daily shampooing can lead to the continuous removal of pigments like henna and indigo, causing the remaining pigments to become faint. As mentioned earlier, dyeing with a light pigment may result in a yellowish appearance. To prevent this, it's advisable to either rinse your hair with just hot water or use a specialized shampoo immediately after dyeing it again.

For Optimal Natural Hair Dyeing

How to use the henna leaf powder in your blue hair

For individuals with high-porosity hair, the continuous loss of natural pigments during regular washing can impact hair quality. To address this, a shift from using strong shampoos to washing with natural herbs, such as Reetha Fruit—an Ayurvedic herbal shampoo with a historical usage—can be beneficial. This transition is considered an effective method to enhance hair quality until improvements are observed.