Ayurvedic Hair Repair Tips

7 natural remedies to repair your damaged hair at home

7 natural remedies to repair your damaged hair at home

To Grow Thick Hair

Hair thickness varies within individuals. The same person often has thin and thick hair. Open cuticles are more common in thinner hair, according to our research.To increase thick, healthy hair naturally, apply an Ayurvedic hair mask inspired by ancient wisdom.

For Dandruff

Most individuals start with anti-dandruff shampoo, but if your scalp is sensitive, it may not work. Dandruff can result from harsh hair care product chemicals that dry and irritate. So, look for natural dandruff cures. Dandruff treatment with Ayurveda is popular since it is natural and permanent.

For Oily Hair & Scalp

Every pore on the skin produces sebum (oil) for hydration. Oil glands on the skin create sebum for nutrition and moisture. Good hair shine comes from oil. Hair becomes greasy from excessive oil production. In oily skin, greasy hair is more common. Never oil a greasy scalp. Most people think a natural shampoo will fix their condition.

For Dry Hair & Scalp

Because beautiful hair enhances our appearance, we take extra care of it. Everyone desires beautiful, healthy hair. However, dry hair loses shine. Unruly dry, black, curling hair has split ends. It's typical of Vatas.
A healthy cuticle has closely packed layers that retain moisture. The cuticle loses water and oil when its layers peel away from hair.

For Premature Gray Hair

In Ayurveda, hair loss is called ‘khalitya,’ while premature graying is called ‘Palitya.’ Pure painted (‘pitta’) disorders include khalitya and palitya. Pitta-Vata doshas imbalances cause premature greying, called 'Akala Palitya' in Ayurveda. Continuously disturbing ‘pitta’ (body heat) might gray hair.

For Split Ends Hair

Women worry about split ends. Split ends damage hair and look awful. Early split end removal is ideal. If you follow Ayurvedic hair care, you know how important a hair mask is. Herbal remedies for vata dosha strengthen and grow hair thicker and longer. Ancient Ayurvedic medicines used it to strengthen and brighten hair and enhance scalp health.

For Hard-Water-Related Hair Damage

Consider how rough and dry your hair feels after swimming in the ocean and letting it dry naturally. That isn't really how hard water can damage your hair, but minerals in tap water can do the same thing. Since hard water has too many minerals, the minerals stick to the hair when it disappears, making it feel dry.

A more in-depth familiarity with AYURVEDIC HAIR CARE

The first step in finding a solution to your hair issues is to have an understanding of your Ayurveda hair type and the levels of the doshas in your body.

Ayurvedic Body type

Air and Ether are Vata-Dominant
People whose constitutions are dominated by Vata tend to be slim, with a slender frame and prominent joints, delicate naturally dry skin, and dry, volumous hair.

Fire & Water are Pitta-Dominant
People with more Pitta in their constitutions tend to have medium proportions, with a frame that is neither petite nor stout, warm skin that is very pale or ruddy and may be sensitive, and fine hair that tends to gray or thin prematurely.

Earth and Water are Kapha-Dominant
People with a preponderance of Kapha in their constitutions are typically larger in size, with a robust frame and cushioned joints, thick, smooth skin that may be prone to greasiness, and luxurious, wavy hair.



Ayurvedic theory suggests that as people age, they transition from Kapha (childhood and young adulthood) to pitta (young adulthood to middle age) to Vata (old age) (median age to elderly). Vata imbalances may manifest as hair that becomes drier and thinner as we age, and particularly as we enter the Vata phase of life. Vata-dominant individuals are advised by Ayurvedic medicine to adopt lifestyle habits that seek to balance their three doshas.

What's Your Ayurvedic Hair Type?



In balance, Vata hair is naturally fine and thin and can grow quickly. On the other hand, Imbalances in Vata can bring about low sebum production, causing hair loss, frizziness, and split ends.


Vata hair type usually has a dry scalp with scaly dandruff as it lacks adequate moisture and sebum in the scalp tissues.



Moderate in thickness, but soft and predictable to manage. Pitta imbalances can lead to early greying of hair, bacterial overload in the follicles, and redness or soreness.


Pitta dominant Prakriti, the scalp texture can be greasy and often prone to boils and itchy dandruff.



Thick, coarse, and wavy or curly. An imbalance in the Kapha energy can cause greasiness due to sebum overproduction. Unpleasant symptoms can include hair fall and an itchy scalp.


You may observe normal scalp texture with adequate moisture levels in a well-balanced Kapha hair type. But, aggravation in Kapha dosha results in an oily scalp with dandruff.

Ayurvedic hair beauty!

Ayurvedic hair powders moisturize and nurture

Radico's Organic Products are the ultimate destination for nourishing and repairing your hair and scalp. Our selection of Ayurvedic hair powders contains organic and herbal nutrients that nourish your hair strands and epidermis. To experience the natural power of Ayurveda for lustrous hair!

Amla Fruit

Amla is considered a ‘superfood‘ for hair. With a zillion nutrients like vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and phytonutrients in this ‘wonder fruit,’ it is a hair fall control remedy and natural conditioner. Amla is also very high in antioxidants which help maintain the scalp's health.

According to Ayurveda, amla balances all body processes and brings to equilibrium all three doshas - Vata, Kapha, and pitta.

Indian gooseberry

Shikakai Seed

It is a well-known fact that Shikakai is an age-old remedy for hair-related problems but did you know that it has other benefits too? Let us explore its several therapeutic benefits and uses.
Hair Growth - Cleanser - Anti-fungal and Anti-bacterial Properties - Heals Wounds - Anti-oxidants - Controls Hair Fall.
The radiant Ayurvedic power of 100% Organic Shikakai Powder suffuses hair with nutrients, smooths, and lends natural shine.

Reduces Pitta and Kapha

Colorless Henna Leaf

Colorless henna is rich in biologically active substances such as chrysophanol, emodin, carotene, betaine, rutin, and others. Emodin helps to restore the hair’s neutral shine, carotene repairs damaged hair structure, betaine locks in moisture and makes the hair softer and smoother, and rutin strengthens hair roots. Chrysophanol (chrysophanic acid) has a pronounced antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. It helps to eliminate dandruff.

Suitable for VataPitta, and Kapha

Neem Leaf

According to Ayurveda, the medicinal properties exhibited by neem are used for all hair ailments and show drastic effects upon regular use. If you have dull hair prone to breakage, the conditioning properties of neem powder can help your hair become stronger. Neem strengthens your hair by contrasting it with each hair follicle. Neem revitalizes and restores dry, undernourished, or rough hair to a smooth, silky texture due to its moisturizing effects.

Pitta Dosha Herbs

Azadirachta indica

Methi Seed

Methi, also known as Fenugreek—has been used by Chinese and Ayurvedic medicinal systems for centuries. In general, anyone can benefit from the protein and anti-inflammatory properties found in Methi powder. Those with coarse or curly hair may notice added softness and shine. It soothes scalp inflammation, treats dandruff, strengthens hair, and prevents shedding.

Kapha Dosha Herbs

Brahmi Leaf

Brahmi is one of the Ayurvedic herbs for hair that supports average hair growth by rejuvenating the scalp. It offers the additional benefit of helping calm the mind. It is long believed that Brahmi also stimulates the cognitive functions of the mind and that applying it to the hair and scalp will bring these same mental benefits by absorption through the hair follicles and pores. This herb balances Tridosha — the three biological energies as a collective.

Brahmi is a powerful medicine to treat various disorders caused by imbalances in the three doshas, especially Vata.

Reetha Fruit

Reetha is a highly valued plant in Ayurvedic medication for its detoxifying and therapeutic properties. Reetha Fruit powder, when used alone or combined with other Ayurvedic ingredients, serves as a natural shield to curb hair fall. That is already being used in many deep conditioning products. So instead of using it as a side ingredient, you can make a suitable mask and significantly reduce your hair fall. Its fruit has immense Kapha pacifying qualities.

Reetha balances all three doshas.

Manjistha Root

Manjistha Powder has proven to be extremely helpful in combating hair loss. Even stubborn dandruff is gently prevented, while at the same time, a sensitive and damaged scalp can benefit significantly from its properties. The powder is perfect for gently darkening hair and also possesses antibacterial properties.

It actively balances the Pitta doshas and Kapha doshas.

Bhringraj Leaf

Bhringraj (Eclipta prostrate) is famous in India for its use as a natural hair tonic. It is so well known for its affinity with the hair that it often goes by the Sanskrit name kesharaja, or “king of the hair. A primary ingredient in most Ayurvedic hair care, bhringaraj promotes strong, healthy hair growth and helps maintain the hair's natural color and luster. It is one of the best rejuvenates for Pitta and has a particular affinity for the head. Regarding natural hair care and loss, Bhringraj is the first herb we recommend. It is one of the most distinguished herbs in Ayurvedic healthy hair care.

Hibiscus Flower

This powerful ingredient is particularly effective for those with elevated Pitta dosha, as it can help alleviate common hair concerns. But that's not all - hibiscus can also work wonders for those struggling with bald spots, as it can regenerate hair follicles and balance vitiated Kapha and Vata doshas.

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

Nourishes and conditions hair strands deep down

Organic Hair Treatment Powder

Radico Hair Treatment Powder is a natural hair conditioner and tonic that conditions hair and prevents graying even as it nourishes hair roots. Like all Radico hair colorants and powders, this treatment uses only 100% organic botanicals. A blend of Amla, Reetha, and Shikakai will add luster and fullness to your hair while invigorating your scalp and strengthening hair roots.  Give your hair the treatment it deserves with this 100% natural conditioning powder!

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Ayurvedic Shampoo For Smooth, Radiant Hair

Organic Shampoo Bar

Certified Organic Lavender Hair Shampoo Bar has been made using saponified organic oils and Bhringraj, Amla & Brahmi extracts to cleanse your precious tresses most delicately. Our range of chemical-free and organic shampoo bars is made with ethically and sustainably sourced organic ingredients. It has been carefully crafted to deeply condition naturally colored hair, opening the cuticles and absorbing the goodness of Radico Hair Colours to the fullest.

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