Commercial hair dyes often contain chemicals like dyes, preservatives, and surfactants, which can be absorbed through the scalp and hair, introducing toxins into the body. However, hair serves an essential function in the body's detoxification process. It helps excrete toxins such as mercury and arsenic through the pores and hair strands.

When hair and scalp are healthy, they facilitate the excretion of waste products, preventing the accumulation of toxins in the body. Without healthy hair and scalp, waste products can accumulate, leading to issues like inflammation and itching.
Regular use of chemical rinses and hair colors can coat the hair, preventing proper detoxification. To maintain a healthy body, it's crucial to care for your hair, pores, and scalp. Choosing hair care products made from natural herbs can help support your body's natural detoxification process, promoting overall health and well-being. That's why we recommend hair color made from 100% organic herbs for your hair.